Thursday, December 27, 2012



This is a new cracker which can crack only normal ids in the form like id1#id2 ... unlimited


You can add master id and a cracker id and both id should b added in each other contacts.
Whenever the id got cracker the cracker id will message the id and password to the master id.
You dont have to keep looking that id cracked or not.
1.Put ids in the 1st big box and select load option.
2.Put 10 passwords in boxes and click start option of each box in interval of every 5-10 seconds so that ur IP dnt get blocked.
Also Login the cracker remote id.

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


p@id to see profile
a@id to see avator of id
w@message to make auto wc msg
.b userid to ban user
.m userid to make member
m@clear to clear wc msg
R@ to find  room details
.v to make visitor
.k userid to kick user
.s fu**  to add censor word fu**
.lr to lock rum
.unlr to unlock rum
.a to make admin
.o to make owner
.p to make participant

Friday, December 14, 2012

Spybot by dmaurya24


It will join room first then you can send command as


Thursday, December 6, 2012

Remove mswinsck.ocx problem in window 7 or vista

What is mswinsck.ocx?
=>>MSWINSCK.OCX  is a file required by many old application in order to listen to a certain port or just allow. network connections. This OCX will not register as most of know, by putting in in the system32 folder and typing the command “regsvr32 MSWINSCK.OCX”. With newer 64 bit systems it is a bit tricky.

1. download the file here
2. Copy it to c:\\windows\\syswow64
3. type the following “Run” command :   “regsvr32 c:\\windows\\syswow64\\MSWINSCK.OCX” and yes, you must type the full path to the file, not just the name.
4. That’s it it should work now.

5. Now paste that mswinsck.ocx in that folder too where you have that software..

6. If still cant open then try run as Administrator.. Program will run..
7. if you found still problem or you cant copy mswinsck.ocx in syswow64 then please check your antivirus.. because might be it infectected by any virus or hacker..

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Maths quizbot 2

In the last quiz bot there some problem like it tell wrong answers or answer was in long dot something.. now in this quiz bot i removed those error and add some quiz... also increase the number of genrating number.. to start quiz the master id must say #start or stop quiz #stop i hope you like this now..
download here

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

status advertiser 2

having unlimited nick and status you can advertise. and manual time option also available..
download here

quiz bot 1.5

its need master id to operate. till that it wont start.
Start- to start quiz
Stop- to stop quiz
say this in room. also i added some new puzzle of maths
download here

5 jid autobot


it have 90 message with 5 jid it will make guyies confuse the better you write own line will sure to make bot almost alive. i add some special feature in too hope you love it :)
download here

Monday, October 22, 2012

Sunday, October 21, 2012

nimbuzz banbot censormod

well guyies many of you want to stop these floods.. it cant stop but you can control little.. this soft ware is censormod through this you can set particular words or letters.
download here

Friday, October 19, 2012

nimbuzz Autotask bot

through this bot you.
auto welcome greet, auto member
and autobanning on entering room.
.download here

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

dm nimbuzz id brutus+cracker 2 (best)

Features: i made this cracker according to nimbuzz latest secuirty. it need a list of ids and 10 fix password which you write own. it check one id 10 times after that it check another. if password found then it show in bottom.
download from here

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Nimbuzz room fuller

through this you can full your room. make member before you entering ids or lock room.
download here

Friday, October 12, 2012

dm password cracker 1.5

* password list
*remove duplicate words from list
download here

status advertiser after server update

it will auto change you status. 10 message allowed repeatly. through this you can impress your love, advertise

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Skynet Status flooder( high speed)

* high speed run smoothly in broad band and above.
* 21 messages status flood
* 21 different client version
* dc bombus users
download here

Saturday, June 23, 2012



- add flood
- room flood+ pvt flood
- support zombie ids like ajay#deepak#king#etc.etc


-------DOWNLOAD HERE-------


* funny no logger just make you scare its pure bombus just making you scare
* totaly new design stylish bombus menu panels
* cool graphics
* romantic background after login





Tuesday, June 12, 2012

skynet room flooder version 1

* every login its resouce will change
* five text flood message
* control flood speed as you want to flood
download here

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

how to use my mobile flood software fastly

 many friends complain me that my software hang me. it always ask to send data is trusted supplier some thing like this. friends if you want to flood fast wothout asking then:
For s40series:
- go to my mobile soft. dont open it. go to option.
- go then application access
- there you see many options. just tick on first time ask only whereever you see it. now open my software again and use it without asking confirmation.
For s60 series( symbian mobile)
- go to application manager in your mobile
- then go to installed app
- open my software settings
- now change setting tick ask first time ask only.
enjoy the uninterpreted flood service thank you..

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

mobile mutli flood

Mobile multi flooder:
* room flood
* subject flood
* private flood
* add+call flood
* supports all kind of series ids
* antiban
click here to download
hope you like it.. am having exams so little bit slow to make and posting

Monday, April 23, 2012

jhazzie password genrator

How to use:

+ it generate password whose format are like this:


or any format :D randomly.. in the 1,3,5, 7 box words or symbol or number will be genrate..

+ below that random genrator box put the value like how much that word limit you want to genrate .

+ below that write the file name where you want to save them now click on create button then start button to genrate password and last stop but will close the file where you generate all..

?// example if i have to print password like: ~~~~*deepak---x---kumar====maurya***loverboy then

in the firt box write only ~*(no need to fill same symbol again) in the second box write deepak( contest value) in 3rd box write x- in 4th box write kumar.. so on..

after that write the number of genrating value of 1,3,5,7 boxes.. ( like i want to print ~* them randomly like ~~**~~ or**~~** then write 6 in the below box of them.

Now i hope you understand how its work:)

click here to download

enjoy :P if any trouble still or any problem then add me its a gift to all my friends because happy birthday to me :d..

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

jhazzie 2.2 room flooder

1. 20 jids enter left
2. antiban by banbot
3. include subject.
download here
enjoy :P

jhazzie 2.1.5 room flooder

1. ids are anti proof by banbot (can't ban)
2. enter left flood.
3. it can also make error sometimes
download here
enjoy :P